Note: I don't foresee doing anything with the JSON inserted within Neo4J, it could be considered a very long string, and the semantics are required at the application layer.
I am building a set of API and some of my 'work' so far has been synthetic - especially the JSON I was inserting in a field (body). Anyway, so far I had this:
CREATE (a:Node {
name: 'short name',
description: 'long description',
body: '{it was a simple placeholder JSON body}'
} )
WITH a MATCH (p:DiffLabel) WHERE elementId(p) = 'a'
CREATE (p)-[:hasrel]->(a)
WITH a MATCH (t:AnotherLabel {qualifier:'qual'})
CREATE (a)<-[:type]-(t)
RETURN elementId(a) as newIdentifier
it was working fine, but now I am inserting actual JSON into the field:
CREATE (a:Node {
name: 'short name',
description: 'long description',
} )
WITH a MATCH (p:DiffLabel) WHERE elementId(p) = 'a'
CREATE (p)-[:hasrel]->(a)
WITH a MATCH (t:AnotherLabel {qualifier:'qual'})
CREATE (a)<-[:type]-(t)
WITH a CALL apoc.convert.setJsonProperty(a, 'body', {REAL JSON})
RETURN elementId(a) as newIdentifier
The code now creates the node a, but doesn't create the relationships and doesn't return the newIdentifier variable.
I have tried different orders for the apoc procedure (after the create, and now after that matches).
Ideally, I want to keep it all as a single statement (so i don't have to work with transactions)