Admin import: ignoring the ID column


nameId is the ID column of the CSV file that relates to the Name node type.

  1. How to stop nameId from being shown/treated as a property? I am only interested in the name property.
  2. Is it okay to drop nameId property once the graph is loaded?
  3. Why does Neo4j create its own internal property when Ids are fed through admin import command line as part of the CSV files?


#1. As my experience you can create a header file like header.csv then config the ignored column as you wish like this:


Guide to import CSV
#2. It's up to you. Easy to do that.
#3. As my reading the ID that is the auto-generated ID by Neo4j platform and used internally only. It's good for data storage also. I think.

  1. Yes, I am aware of the 'ignore' feature. I am interested to know if 'ignoring' an ID column which is important for creating relations is going to cause issues.
  2. My second question is related to the first and yes, I agree it is easy to drop.
  3. I was wondering why the admin import documentation does not speak about internal ID creation and hence my question.

Thanks for your reply.