Adjusting Node diameter based on property in Neo4j browser

Hey there,
I use neo4j browser to verify the content of a complex SysML model. In this regards I want to use certain tags e.g a tag_Utilization available as float to scale the node size of certain nodes.
I have now a Stylesheet in neo4j browser like

node.Person {
diameter: data(tag_ResourceUtilization);
color: #C990C0;
border-color: #b261a5;
text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
defaultCaption: "";
caption: "{name}";

And a query filtering a set of elements.
I really like how neo4j browser shows the elements and how I can set the color coding (looks like a komplex network similar to a snowflake) but I need a possibility to scale and color nodes based on tags for visualization.
Is there a way how this can be done?
I was wondering if any addin or extension could help.