In today's seminar, the MS News graphSage model configuration is below:
CALL gds.beta.graphSage.train(
modelName: 'graphSage',
featureProperties: ['wikiEncoding'],
aggregator: 'mean',
activationFunction: 'sigmoid',
projectedFeatureDimension: 10,
sampleSizes: [25, 10],
tolerance: 0.001,
searchDepth: 5,
embeddingDimension: 128
The data preprocessing creates entity embedding of 100 dimension. And according the documentation:
projectedFeatureDimensionequals the maximum length of the feature-array, i.e.,
costboth are scalar features plus the list feature
heightAndWeightwhich has a length of two. For each node its unique labels properties is projected using a label specific projection to vector space of dimension
projectedFeatureDimension .
So the projectedFeatureDimension should be at least 100 in the cypher command above. But why is it only 10? Please clarify the proper choice of this parameter.