2 Bloom Suggestions

Here are a couple of suggestions for improving Bloom.

1 - When entering a value for a node attribute in the search bar, have a way that if you misspell it and have to backspace that it does not completely obliterate that entry. As it is now, if I am entering a value for say a name of a person node and type a wrong character, if I backspace it wipes out the entire node so that I have to start all over again to select node and property and then start typing over the part that was okay so that I can finally retype the one character that I typed wrong the first time.

2 - For the shortest path calculation between two nodes, show the list of nodes and allow me to exclude some of them from the calculation. As it is now, it may find a shortest path through some node type that is superfluous and does not let me constrain the search space to just the kinds of nodes I want it to include in the search.