I have just migrated and the stream was very helpful, but one thing that seems to be off is when retrieving nested data.
Let's say I have a Post
type and some of its properties need to have a custom @cypher
directive or a relationship
directive, like this.
type Post {
post_id: String
timestamp: String
author: User @relationship(type: "CREATED", direction: IN)
likes_count: Int @cypher(statement: "RETURN SIZE((this)<-[:LIKES]-())")
but when creating a custom function the custom properties are not retrieved
eg; (author, likes_count). It can also be seen here on the stream at minute 52:35.
When I modify the custom function so it would retrieve post { .*, author: (cypher_function_here), likes_count : (cypher_function_here) }
It does return the result as expected, but the question here is Why it doesn't do so automagically ;)
? as it used to do with the previous library neo4j-graphql-js
. Or did I miss something and I need to modify the Post
Thank you.