Where do I enter the License number for Enterprise on Docker installation


I am installing the neo4j:4.3.0-enterprise Docker image from Docker

I use

docker run -d \
  --name neo4j-core-01 \
  --network neo4j-core-01-network \
  --publish \
  --publish \
  --mount source=neo4j-core-01-volume,target=/data \

The container is up, but I dont figure out where to enter the license key in order to continue my cluster setup.

I reviewd the entrypoint file in docker-neo4j-publish/docker-entrypoint.sh at 4e1de71ba0017d996c292730663fd40d14d3e983 · neo4j/docker-neo4j-publish · GitHub but did no see any ENV variable in order to achieve that.

Would you help me to find out where to enter my licese key?

Hello, there is no enterprise license key here, our restrictions are not technical, they are legal, and assume and trust individuals and businesses comply to our license agreement and have the necessarily license for use.

Hi, I apologise because I am extremely late to join this conversation, but I have a similar/related question.

I am working on a project with a valid enterprise license, we are in the process of exploring using docker to host our graph(s). When we run the neo4j enterprise docker image (neo4j:5.9.0-enterprise) it's starts up and runs properly except we see this message:

"Thank you for installing Neo4j. This is a time limited trial. You have 30 days remaining out of 30 days. Please contact us at Contact Us - Graph Database & Analytics if you require more time."

How do we enter our license key or get around this 'time limited trial'?