What is the point of looking at balls?

I have been 'researching' a bit graph database applications last week, and I am quite impressed what the Neo4j/graphdb ecosystem has to offer.

Mostly I was just researching this technology for use in an application as visual 'entertainment' and for sure nothing analytical.
So last week I have seen countless graphs with circles linking to other circles. I am constantly seeing pros/cons lists of rdbms compared with graphdbs.

What I have not seen in all these demos and blogs something that really justifies the use of graphdb. Something that made me think, yes that is really a good application and that is what I am missing currently. Some data being analysed and reported that would not have been easily extracted from a conventional rdbms.

Why nobody goes that far to compare a data set in postresql and neo4j? So you can show performance, resource use differences under specific conditions.

Nobody having an example this how we used visualized graphdb results and it saved us X us$, and we could not get this from regular rdbms (easily)?

I can point you to customer examples, such as Neo4j + Zurich Insurance Switzerland Case Study, where understanding and visualizing the data and relationships saved them time, $, etc and enabled some things that they were not able to do in a timely fashion otherwise

Interesting, I will read this on weekend.