Hi, we are running some tests to import data through the neo4j-jdbc driver, actually using springframework.jdbc on top of it.
The schema is super basic, 2 nodes (Documents and NamedEntities) and 1 relationship (MENTIONED_IN).
The test consist on creating 100 documents, with a 100 named entities each and a relationship in between. It takes over 10 minutes in different machines.
We have run neo4j server 3.5 as docker container using the neo4j-jdbc driver 3.3.1. Other combinations like driver 3.4.0, with lower server versions 3.3.9 and 3.38, and 3.4.12 returned some exceptions.
Our connection string is:
jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(new DriverManagerDataSource("jdbc:neo4j:bolt://neo4j/?user=neo4j&password=XXXX&flatten=-1"));
We create two constraints on each node ids for uniqueness:
jdbcTemplate.update("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (doc:Document) ASSERT doc.id IS UNIQUE");
jdbcTemplate.update("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (ne:NamedEntity) ASSERT ne.id IS UNIQUE");
For instance the first 10 docs with a total of 1000 namedentities nodes takes 2minutes aprox.
The properties of each kind of node are a few and very basic, so nothing big or weird to worry here.
I was wondering if there is any performance known issue by using the docker container, or some kind of overhead in the client/driver communication with the dockerized server that we should take into account.