Using results of a full text search in case statement

In desktop edition I am trying to write a query to run a full text search, then using run different match queries based on the label of the nodes returned in the full text search, but i'm just getting all results that match the pattern in the case statement and therefore not taking into account the full text search result.

CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("nameSearch", "Sailing") YIELD node as n
with n, labels(n)[0] as label
    label = "Authority",
    "match (a:Incident)-[*4]-(n) return a",
    label = "Activity", "match (n)-[]-(a:Incident) return a"
]) YIELD value return value

Does anyone have any ideas? Maybe a foreach statement? As the full text can bring back multiple results.


You should include n as input param of the case.

CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("nameSearch", "Sailing") YIELD node as n
with n, labels(n)[0] as label
    label = "Authority",
    "match (a:Incident)-[*4]-(n) return a",
    label = "Activity", "match (n)-[]-(a:Incident) return a"
], {n:n}) YIELD value return value
