Using Cypher to extract subgraph many node labels

Hi folks,

I am attempting to extract a subgraph from my graph database.

Subgraph structure like:

User -- WATCHED --> Resource
Resource -- CONTAINS --> Video
Course -- HAS_RESOURCE --> Resource

This is cypher code to extract User, Resource and Video, but now I don't know how to extract Course more

MATCH (u:User)-[w:WATCHED]->(r:Resource)-[:CONTAINS]->(v:Video)

Please help me, I want to extract all 4 node labels: User, Resource, Video and Course


you can use a query containing a second MATCH with the variable r, to match related courses

create (:User)-[:WATCHED]->(r:Resource)-[:CONTAINS]->(:Video)
create (:Course)-[:HAS_RESOURCE]->(r);
match (u:User)-[w:WATCHED]->(r:Resource)-[:CONTAINS]->(v:Video)
match (c:Course)-[:HAS_RESOURCE]->(r)
return u,r,v,c

update: actually in this case you can write the read query like this

match (u:User)-[w:WATCHED]->(r:Resource)-[:CONTAINS]->(v:Video),  (c:Course)-[:HAS_RESOURCE]->(r)
return u,r,v,c

in this case, it does not make any difference

about when the coma syntax makes a difference with the two MATCH one
see this

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I solved it. Thank you so much :heart: