I am trying to define a User Defined Function but, I can't solve the error on the import org.neo4j.procedure.Name statement. The error I get in Eclipse states that this import cannot be resolved.
I am trying to define a User Defined Function but, I can't solve the error on the import org.neo4j.procedure.Name statement. The error I get in Eclipse states that this import cannot be resolved.
Do you have this dependency? You would have a lot more trouble than this if you don't, but just verifying. I am using version 5.7.0. Do you want to post some code if this is not the issue?
As an aside, I just noticed the following in maven central. It claims that it is needed for creating extensions.
I replaced my dependency with this dependency and my extension code compiled and all my Junit tests passed. I then packaged my extension jar, deployed it, and executed my integration tests from my SpringBoot application that calls my extensions through the java driver. All tests passed. Can anyone tell me if there is a difference, or which one to use? I just reviewed the online documentation setting up a project for writing custom procedures to 'extend neo4j'. It showed the first dependency that I have always been using (I got if from this article a while back).
Part of my problem is that I can't use Maven. I am trying to make it work in Eclipse.
I used to STS, which is built on Eclipse, and I used maven. You can download maven if it is not built into your version. You can execute the maven commands in a terminal, such as mvn install, mvn clean, mvn compile, etc.
It is going to be very difficult trying to manage your own dependency considering the transitive dependencies of neo4j.