MATCH (g:genre)
WITH collect( as genres
UNWIND genres as genre
MATCH (a:Actor)->[:ACTED]->(m:Movie)-[t:type]->(g:genre{name:genre})
RETURN,genre,count(t) as num
So this query returns result something like this
**name genre num**
vijay comedy 2
vijay Action 12
Jam comedy 5
Jam Horror 15
But is there a way to convert all the genre as field names like this
Not dynamically, variable names must be hard coded in the query.
You could instead output a single variable for a map containing dynamic keys, but you'll need APOC Procedures for the map functions that will let you assemble that.
An example of usage:
MATCH (a:Actor)-[:ACTED]->(:Movie)-[:type]->(g:genre)
WITH a, g, count(g) as count
WITH a, collect([, count]) as genreCounts
RETURN as actor, as genreCounts
It's great query and returns a json format result genreCounts column, but I was expecting XL header and value kind of response
So basically, i need to get result something like this
return actor, comedy, Action, Horror
it above return statement actor static, but I wanna geners as dynamic comedy, Action, Horror
Idea is to generate csv from the cypher query, Since it's json or array structure I ended up lots of client side code to flattern and create csv with headers, so I'm looking for a way to do that from cypher.
Again, variables (columns) can't be dynamic. You've got to know what they are ahead of time. If you already know the genres that can possibly exist, then you can hardcode each genre and do counts for each. But a dynamic approach for variable names isn't possible.