Understanding the performance of Skip/Limit

I'm trying to understand the performance of pagination using the SKIP/LIMIT combination on the latest neo4j community edition container. The database has 100M nodes, I match on a subset of nodes, controlling the output with SKIP/LIMIT using the following query:

MATCH (n) 
LIMIT 1000000

The query skips 0 rows and returns 1M node, and it takes ~46 seconds to complete. The query planner in the browser showed that the first step was an AllNodesScan that returned 1M node.

I repeated the same query but with changing the SKIP value to 1M -the LIMIT value is the same as in the previous query-, the query planner showed that the AllNodesScan step returned 2M rows, out of which the first 1M rows were skipped, the remaining returned. The execution time was similar to the previous query, i.e. ~46 seconds. I repeated the query several times after restarting the container to make sure that nothing is being cached.

Why does the second query have a similar execution time to the first one, even though it hits 2M rows? (1M rows more than the first query).. Shouldn't the second query take more time than the first one?


Neo4j can scan nodes very fast with AllNodesScan. Probably the difference for the MATCH(n) step for 1M and 2M nodes was only a few milliseconds. Properties are not accessed until they are needed, so your query accesses the properties in the RETURN step. That means the time in your query is on the RETURN(n) where it does pull all the properties and then returns the data to the calling application. Since you are returning the same number of nodes (limit 1000000), it will take the same amount of time to extract the properties and return them.

If you want to see the difference, run

MATCH(n) WITH SKIP 0 LIMIT 1000000 RETURN count(*)