Unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I'm trying to user apoc.load.json or jsonParams to fetch data using an API but everytime I'm getting an error message wrt a valid certification path.

I've been searching, but couldn't find a valid solution yet.

I've already tried adding certificates to the zulu cacerts using keytool but not sure if this is the right approach. btw: the cacerts file is stored in the zulu distribution under .Neo4Desktop\distributions\java\zuluxxx folder. Don't know if this is what's used by the Neo4J instance I'm running.

Any help is welcome.

btw: calling the API from a web browser if working fine.

I had similar issues with older jvm versions that were missing some of the root CAs, perhaps updating to the latest JVM (e.g. 11 for Neo4j 4.x) can help.

Otherwise yes, you'd have to manually add teh cert or the root CA to the JVM keystore.

Perhaps you updated the java 8 and not the 11 one for Neo4j 4.x?

thx Michael

I thought Neo4J was using their own JVM ... is there a way to check the version it's using ?