Hi Team,
I am unable to create local DBMS and even I did not seeing movies DBMS.
I am getting following error , please refer attached screenshot and help me on this
"Database failed to create: Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, copyfile 'C:\Users\rajasekhar.chandana\AppData\Local\Neo4j\Relate\Cache\dbmss\neo4j-enterprise-4.2.1\lib\zstd-proxy-4.2.1.jar' -> 'C:\Users\rajasekhar.chandana.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\dbmss\dbms-69d1661a-930d-4f77-9ab2-55433cf999f7\lib\zstd-proxy-4.2.1.jar'"
Hello Rajasekharchandana,
Well, try to change the version of the neo4j dbms, the latest version is 4.2.3 but I recommend you to use a 4.1.x version if that doesn´t fix your problem maybe there is something wrong with your local installation and you will need to reinstall or try neo4j sandbox at link in order to practice.
And additional tip is that you take the free training, is really nice and the best thing that is FREE.
Best regards
Hi @adrianroseless,
I tried with older version 4.1.X and uninstalled ne04j then reinstall again, but still I am getting error
Please help me on this what's problem for this
Sorry to hear that,
I've checked forums related with other topics where people complaints about having troubles because of spaces or dots in their computer's user names but to be honest I'm not sure if that could be your case.