I'm trying to load a CSV file hosted on Amazon SageMaker into a Neo4j database running on an EC2 instance using a Python script . I have verified that simple Cypher queries work, so sending queries to the database is not an issue. The Neo4j version is 5.19.0.
I have made the following configuration changes to the neo4j.conf
After making these changes, I restarted the Neo4j service .
-sudo systemctl restart neo4j
I'm attempting to run the following Cypher query from my Python script to create nodes from the CSV file:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///upload_2024-06-05/nodes_MUKYA.csv" AS line CREATE (u:MUKYA {type:line.type, label:line.label, nodeId:line.nodeId, rank:line.rank, JP:line.JP, source:line.source})
However, I'm receiving the following error:
Query failed: {code: Neo.ClientError.Statement.ExternalResourceFailed} {message: Cannot load from URL 'file:///upload_2024-06-05/nodes_MUKYA.csv': Couldn't load the external resource at: file:///upload_2024-06-05/nodes_MUKYA.csv ()}
Are there any additional configurations or steps required to successfully load the CSV file from Amazon SageMaker into the Neo4j database on the EC2 instance using a Python script on SageMaker?