Troubleshooting Connection Issues to Neo4j

Hi @socratic several things are going on here.

Unfortunately, SSL certs are fundamentally tied to domain names, and you can't get one for a bare IP address. That isn't a neo4j policy, just the rules of how SSL works. Now, the unfortunate interaction here is that the Neo4j browser app requires bolt connectivity, which interacts with the browser's security model, which is what's putting you in the situation where you need the cert. Sorry that this is a pain but there are elements of dynamic cloud setup & the browser security model here that are not really in Neo4j's control.

We can't automatically set up the certificate for you for several reasons. On AWS, not everybody gets a DNS name in the first place. When you do automatically get a DNS name, it's typically mapped to your IP address (the address ends up being something like ec2-X-Y-Z-A where X-Y-Z-A is your IP address). SSL certs are bound to specific host names. So issuing a cert for a hostname like this would not be a good idea, because it would initially work, but if you stopped / restarted your VM, you could end up getting a different hostname, which would effectively break your certificate. Suppose we allowed you to enter your own custom domain name in, for example with a CloudFormation template. Even in this case if the SSL auto-setup would work for you, you would have had to pre-allocate that IP -> DNS name so that it would resolve the test probe that LetsEncrypt needs to do. A bit more on that...

On the problems you're having with the certificate instructions -- I don't think we can help without knowing what exactly the LetsEncrypt failure is. That said, the most common failure by far is either the wrong host name given, or the probe port not being open. Again this is LetsEncrypt stuff not Neo4j, but to issue you a cert they require that you "prove" you have the domain. So you give in "" (or whatever) and their service tries to hit that address on the probe port. If that probe port is firewalled off (which it would be in the standard Neo4j deploy, which doesn't need that port) then your setup could fail. Something to double check.

When you set dbms.connector.bolt.tls_level=OPTIONAL this permits clients to connect unencrypted, but won't help you, if for example, Chrome insists that your connection be encrypted as part of its own security model.

As stated above if you want encrypted communications, Neo4j ships with an untrusted cert out of the box (it can't be trusted because it can't know what DNS name you'll have, and hence can't be signed by a CA). So you can either "trust the untrusted cert", or you can generate a trusted cert.

If you're launching an AMI on AWS, you don't need to do anything with google domains and google cloud DNS. Rather if you're on Amazon, you'd be using their Route 53 service to register a domain, and their Certificate Manager tool. On AWS you could generate the cert on your own (without letsencrypt) and end up with the same files you need to do the SSL setup.

As for why you get "ServiceUnavailable" when you use port 7474 -- I just don't know, we'd need more information. The availability of port 7687 is one thing, but then tls_level is another, and firewalling configuration is a third.

I hope this helps.