YIELD nodeId, triangleCount
RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId).noun AS noun, triangleCount
ORDER BY triangleCount DESC
Also it is not finding localClusteringCoefficient.
"There is no procedure with the name registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed."
YIELD nodeId, communityId AS Community
RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId).noun AS noun, Community
ORDER BY Community, noun
I have called dbms.procecdures() and it has this:
It shows it as an alpha level procedure though the online documentation does not. Also it shows the result value as triangles and triangleCount .
I am just following along with the documentation." " :: ANY?, configuration = {} :: MAP?) :: (nodeId :: INTEGER?, triangles :: INTEGER?, coefficient :: FLOAT?)" "Triangle counting is a community detection graph algorithm that is used to determine the number of triangles passing through each node in the graph." ["reader", "editor", "publisher", "architect", "admin"] "READ"
I think I figured out what happened. The default for the documentation is version 1.2 and since I am running Neo4J 3.5.14 version 1.1.1 got installed. If I change the version on the documentation page to reflect that then things make sense. I would recommend that versioning on documentation be a bit more visible.