TransactionMemoryLimit error

New to neo4j, we are getting TransactionMemoryLimit error continually in one of the environment. we are not aware the exact reason for this issue. actually, we not configured any for the following fields. this are having default values.

Complete error:
neo4j.exceptions.TransientError: {code: Neo.TransientError.General.TransactionMemoryLimit} {message: Can't allocate extra 512 bytes due to exceeding memory limit; used=2147483648, max=2147483648}

While running below query getting the TransactionMemoryLimit error:
2024-08-28 13:14:38.667+0000 ERROR 545000 ms: 1367912 B - 25815241 page hits, 0 page faults - bolt-session bolt neo4j-python/4.4.3 Python/3.8.10-final-0 (linux) client/ server/> neo4j - neo4j - USING PERIODIC COMMIT 100000 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "" as row MATCH (parent:NETOMNIA_EP {networkElementId:row.networkElementId, sourceName:row.sourceName, sourceId: row.sourceId}) WITH parent,row MATCH (child:ALARM{sequenceNumber : toInteger(row.sequenceNumber)}) WITH parent,child MERGE (parent)-[r:HAS_ALARM]->(child) ON CREATE SET r.mergeTime = timestamp() ON MATCH SET r.mergeTime = timestamp() - {} - runtime=pipelined - {} - Can't allocate extra 512 bytes due to exceeding memory limit; used=2147483648, max=2147483648

Memory details for neo4j DB: