I have written a query, which returns four columns and four columns have values in the separate rows.
But I want is that the query should return me an array for different columns, not values in the separate rows.
The query is:
MATCH(c:Company{companyId:4})<-[re:WORKS_IN]-(p:Person)-[r:HAS_SCORE]->(ps:PerformanceScores) WITH distinct ps.scoreDate as scoredate MATCH (ps:PerformanceScores {scoreDate:scoredate}) WITH ps.score as score, scoredate UNWIND scoredate as x WITH x,score,scoredate RETURN avg(score)as average,x as fulldate,["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"][scoredate.month-1] as months,scoredate.year as year order by x
So what should be change in the query so that it return the values in the array.