The neovis.js download link error

HI, friends.
I can not download the raw neovis.js for development with following link:
The link seems wrong.

who can help me? Thanks.

Hello Wentao.

Welcome to the the community!

What do you mean by raw neovis.js? Have you tried GitHub - neo4j-contrib/neovis.js: Neo4j + vis.js = neovis.js. Graph visualizations in the browser with data from Neo4j.


Hi Vivek
Thanks for your reply. I have try the 'GitHub - neo4j-contrib/neovis.js: Neo4j + vis.js = neovis.js. Graph visualizations in the browser with data from Neo4j.'
There are two links,
1 For development (not cached) - Master

<script src=""></script>

2 For production (cached) - Master

<script src=""></script>

the second is ok, but the first link (for development) always error in connection. and I use python Django to develop the web application of neo4j data, its not worked with the second .js file......


I am able to open the file .. Send me your email id i will forward you

Thank you very much .

its still not work.....
And in develop tool pycharm terminal display:

[16/Jan/2020 19:26:27] "GET /graph/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2502
[16/Jan/2020 19:26:27] "GET /static/assets/js/neovis.js HTTP/1.1" 304 0

I think that is .js error.

but the .html(download from git) is ok, when directly open it with explorer.

I am also having issue with using the CDN options (both with and without dependencies) from the GitHub - neo4j-contrib/neovis.js: Neo4j + vis.js = neovis.js. Graph visualizations in the browser with data from Neo4j.
So I resorted to using the npm install of neovis.js and in the html for the QuickStart example used the script href with a local path
I have the desktop Neo4j movie example running and changed the relevant labels and relationships In the script.

The error I get when using the local path to the neovis.js is
Unexpected token < in line 1 of neovis.js

Update: now appending after the path to neovis.js the ‘dist/neovis.js’ so that the correct script is used...I again get an error pertaining to authentication.

Could it be in the configuration as in the server name and password I am to use?