Codes below produce error as output. "Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError"Any help?
Syntax: Retrieving nodes filtered by a property value
You have learned previously that you can filter node retrieval by specifying a label. Another way you can filter a retrieval is to specify a value for a property. Any node that matches the value will be retrieved.
Here are simplified syntax examples for a query where we specify one or more values for properties that will be used to filter the query results and return a subset of the graph:
MATCH (variable {propertyKey: propertyValue})
RETURN variable
MATCH (variable:Label {propertyKey: propertyValue})
RETURN variable
MATCH (variable {propertyKey1: propertyValue1, propertyKey2: propertyValue2})
RETURN variable
MATCH (variable:Label {propertyKey: propertyValue, propertyKey2: propertyValue2})
RETURN variable