Super frustrated SDN deleting existing relationships

I have seen threads on which SDN 6.0 staff try to explain the deletion of existing relationships when saving new connections to existing nodes and I fail to understand what good is supposed to come from SDN boldly doing what it is not asked to do. What is the message to the developer? Redesign the database? Is CRUD still possible with SDN 6? Could you point me to a CRUD example on a graph of a depth of at least three? The movie database with just two entities: Person and Movie is not too helpful. But even on the movie graph if you can show a query involving the Roles relationship and adding and saving new nodes and relationships that would be wonderful.

Also, if I am having problems adding new data to an existing database or retrieving data from the database do you discourage going back to SDN 5?

"2. If the entity is not new all relationships of the first found type at the domain model will get removed from the database.

( MATCH (startNode)-[rel:Has]→(:Hobby) WHERE id(startNode) = $fromId DELETE rel )"

I think step 2 of your save process as cited above is the problem I am running into. Why do you have to delete existing relationships in order to save?

Hi, I also wonder how can you load an entity without its relationships (for performance purposes for .e.g. load the Spring Security principal on every request but without loading all of its relationships), modify its base properties and save it without having Spring Data necessarily delete all of its relationships. Can someone please share an example of a custom @Query-annotated save() method?

Same problem for me too. I have outlined my question in a stack overflow question in detail here. This behaviour is very odd and from what I can tell, has meant I cannot use neo4j over another database. Can someone please assist me?