Sum relationships in bloom

I’m new in neo4j and I need some help

I have two nodes end relationship between them as invoice with invoice amount, there are a lot of invoices between two company-nodes, I need to summarize relationships amounts and use this syfer in bloom

I tried to write down this query

match (n:company {comp_ID:$parameter})-[r:invoice]->(m:company)

with n, m, sum(r.amount) as total, collect(r) as relationships

where size(relationships) > 1

with total, head(relationships) as keep, tail(relationships) as delete

set keep.w = total

(migrated from khoros post Re: sum relationships in bloom - Neo4j - 59021)

Hello @iliaeli :slightly_smiling_face:

What is the problem of the query?


unfortunately i cant get results in bloom :disappointed:


this is the amounts of invoices, i want to sum relationships but

bloom can not find any results by parameter search

It looks like your store the total in the w property. Can you verify that the property exists using Neo4j Desktop?

when I run this query in neo4j desktop :

match (n:company)-[r:invoice]->(m:company)

with n, m, sum(r.amount) as total, collect(r) as relationships

where size(relationships) > 1

with total, head(relationships) as keep, tail(relationships) as delete

set keep.w = total

it says that

‘Set 1 property, completed after 2 ms.’

After I run all nodes and it shows me this


Where amount 700 000 is collected new relationship and unnamed relationships are old ones

So it sums everything in the same relation?

I don't know well but i want in bloom to be left only summarized relationship

Then delete other relationships?

I don't need them to be deleted, just hide or something like this, and i dont know how to execute this query in bloom because its not working

is it possible in bloom to ad this query in scene action and get some results?

where id(n) in $nodes
with n, m, sum(r.Rirebuleba) as total, collect(r) as relationships
where size(relationships) > 1
with total, head(relationships) as keep, tail(relationships) as delete
set keep.w = total
foreach(r in delete | delete r)
return *