I have this query
CALL gds.alpha.scc.stream({
nodeQuery: 'MATCH (Compartment{dbId:74700})<-[:compartment]-
(rle:Reaction{speciesName:"Homo sapiens"})-[:input]->
(pe:PhysicalEntity{speciesName:"Homo sapiens"}) return id(rle) AS id UNION MATCH
sapiens"})-[:input]->(pe:PhysicalEntity{speciesName:"Homo sapiens"}) RETURN id(pe)
AS id',
relationshipQuery: 'MATCH (Compartment{dbId:74700})<-[:compartment]-
(rle:Reaction{speciesName:"Homo sapiens"})-[i:input]->
(pe:PhysicalEntity{speciesName:"Homo sapiens",stId:"R-HSA-9610136"})-
[:compartment]->(Compartment{dbId:74700}) RETURN id(rle) AS source, id(pe) AS
target' })
YIELD nodeId, componentId
RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId) AS Name, componentId AS Component
I would like to use the scc algorithm.
My problem is That I want to display only the nodes that have an 'input' relationship.
Currently this query shows me all the relationships of the various nodes.
You can help me?