String comparison - like track changes - neodash

I am making a compare report comparing metadata of two studies or two versions of a study. So far I got this using the rule-based styling (different options of colouring can be applied)

However, I would like to display the difference more like the below, that guide more to where the differences appear.

Was playing a bit with html tags:

WITH 'My new title is great' as text1, 'My tItle heading is great' as text2 WITH text1, text2, apoc.convert.toList(split(text1,' ')) as l1, apoc.convert.toList(split(text2,' ')) as l2 WITH l1,l2, [x in l2 where not x in l1] as diff_added, [x in l1 where not x in l2] as diff_removed with diff_added, diff_removed, l2,l1, apoc.text.join([i in l1 | CASE WHEN i IN diff_removed THEN '<s>'+i+'</s>' else i END], ' ') as s_orig, apoc.text.join([i in l2 | CASE WHEN i IN diff_added THEN '<b>'+i+'</b>' else i END], ' ') as s_new return  s_orig,s_new

But neodash doesn’t translate tags (also tried markdown ~~ for strike-through and ** for bold)


Any tips?
kr Kirsten