Storing yearly counts for a node

I've got this graph: (Topic)-[:INCLUDES_DOC]->(Work). Every Work has one Topic.

I need to store count of Works for Topic, but per year. It's a static count.

Current idea is something like (Topic)-[:PUBLISHED_IN{count}]->(Year)....meaning each topic has a relationship to a year if something was published, and the count is property on that relationship.

Feels like it should work, but it is the best way?



You can also compute it on the fly.

MATCH (t:Topic)-[:INCLUDES_DOC]->(w:Work)
RETURN, as year, count(*)

Or you can do a relationship to year as you indicated.
Or you can store it in properties, e.g. count_2016 on Topic.
Or in a list property, that starts at a certain year (e.g. 2000) and then has an entry for each year.