I am calling Louvain algorithms using 2 different syntactical ways but the same meaning (alteast I think so :) ). I am getting different results and I don't understand if this is a bug.
CALL algo.louvain(
"MATCH (p:Network_L1_Louvain) RETURN id(p) as id",
"MATCH (p:Network_L1_Louvain)-[f:INTERACTED]-(m:Network_L1_Louvain) RETURN id(p) as source, id(m) as target",
{graph:'cypher',write:true, writeProperty:'partition_test', concurrency:1});
CALL algo.louvain('Network_L1_Louvain','INTERACTED',{concurrency:1, write:true,writeProperty:'partition_test2'});
#2 results
| loadMillis | computeMillis | writeMillis | nodes | iterations | communityCount |
| 5770 | 4501 | 4048 | 900558 | 5 | 100340 |
#1 results
| loadMillis | computeMillis | writeMillis | nodes | iterations | communityCount |
| 36892 | 1924257 | 2607 | 900558 | 5 | 83023 |
The run times are also very different. Is this a known bug?