
I am trying to SET a property conditional on another property.

( n: Person )
n.( CASE
WHEN n.age > 60 THEN 'old'
WHEN 60 > n.age > 30 THEN 'middle'
ELSE 'young'
END ) = true

I receive the Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError

What is syntactically wrong in my query?
How could this result be achieved another way?

You may consider having one property called something like ‘ageRange’ and set it to young , middle , or old.

Try the following syntax.

MATCH ( n: Person )
WITH n, 
WHEN n.age > 60 THEN 'old'
WHEN 60 > n.age > 30 THEN 'middle'
ELSE 'young'
END  as property
SET n[property] = true

Hi Gary,

using your syntax I receive:

Invalid input '[': expected ":" (line 8, column 6 (offset: 167))
"SET n[property] = true"

What can be causing it?

In this exercise, setting one of properties (conditional on another property) to something is a goal in itself, so I don't consider using just one having all values.

My mistake. The error made me remember that you can't set a parameter dynamically with the bracket syntax. Here is an approach using apoc.

MATCH ( n: Person )
WITH n, 
WHEN n.age > 60 THEN 'old'
WHEN 60 > n.age > 30 THEN 'middle'
ELSE 'young'
END  as property
call apoc.cypher.doIt("set n." + property + " = true", {n:n}) yield value
return value

It might be even better to set it as a label.
You can use apoc.create.addLabel(node,[labels]) for that.
Which then also allows for more efficient matching.

( n: Person )
call apoc.create.addLabels(n, [
WHEN n.age > 60 THEN 'old'
WHEN 60 > n.age > 30 THEN 'middle'
ELSE 'young'
END]) yield node
return count(*);
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Thanks Gary, thanks Michael,

both methods work and I learnt something new.

Nevertheless I wonder why using apoc.cypher.doIt() that incorporates SET clause, even though properties have been set, I receive "No changes, no records" message? I would expect "Set x properties" in return.

I suspect it is because the SET operation is occurring on the backend via the apoc procedure, so the executor is not aware of the impact of the 'doit' cypher statement.