Hi all,
I have created an endpoint that runs a custom query to get a list of nodes from which I need to get all the parents of each of these. I am using SDN6 with neo4.1.
I try to find all parents from cp node ("Concept")
With custom cypher query you have to also return the relationship (broader) and other Concept nodes. Otherwise you will just have the cp to get mapped by SDN.
The statement should look somehow like:
match (cp:Concept)<-[b:broader]-(otherCp:Concept)
where ....
return cp, collect(b), collect(otherCp)
Can you share the code around movies.spring.data.neo4j.api.ConceptController.lambda$1(ConceptController.java:56) ?
At least it seems that the data gets queried and returned from the framework to your controller.