Returning visual graph via api call


I would like to integrate neo4j with a front end i have, and display the visualisation of the graph in the page. Moreover, what i need is a service in neo4j API where you send query, and returns the graph in a visual format (png or similar). Is there any way to do that?


Well, there are different back end options based on what driver you want to use. I use Java, spring boot is my choice. You can standup a microservice with and endpoint that queries a neo4j database in very little time.

If your language of choice is JavaScript, then node.js is an option, or NestJS.

You can find some visualization library options on neo4j website. I just found this Java one. Google for others.

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i use python... i get theres nothing in there, right?

I googled this string a number if results come up

python visualization libraries