Return specific relation among multiple relation between nodes

Suppose the data are the following

The green and red node are named as Upper and Lower, respectively and the edge named as "create" with property time that showed on edge.

The following is my query :

MATCH p=()-[r:create]->() where r.time<'08:30' RETURN p

The result :


However, there is one of which that the r.time is not <'08:30', but it show on result.

Question : How can I query so that <'08:30' would not return on result ? i.e., the following


It may be that you have your browser set to show all connections between nodes. This will then include the relationships you don't want displayed.

You need to turn that setting off if you want to see just the relationships resulting from your query.

Uncheck the 'Connect result nodes' checkbox. This is in the "gear" icon when in the browser.

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It work, thanks you, you're magic master.

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