I am new to Neo4j and trying to explore for one of my project. Here is how i have setup the nodes and their relationships.
- An organization can have sub organizations under it.
- An organization can have users under organization or sub organization.
- A user have access to loans
- User in top organization can have access to user loans who are under sub organization.
- Here are the relationships
Here is the query i am using to get all the loans that are present under Org1 as well as all the loans under sub organizations under Org1.
match path = (o:Org {id:"Org1"}) - [:HAS_USER | ACCESS | HAS_CHILD*] - > (k:Loan) return k.loanGuid
when we try to run the above query from .NET code using Neo4jClient, it is taking around 12 to 20 seconds to return 150k records, which is too long. Is this expected ?
Here is the c# code
var client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data"), "neo4j", "Test123456!")
JsonContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
var results1 = client.Cypher
.Match("(o:Org {id:'Org1'})-[:HAS_USER | ACCESS | HAS_CHILD*]->(l:Loan)")
.Return((l) => new
Loan = l.As()
Can you please respond is this expected or something wrong the way that i am retrieving using .NET driver ?
I am using community edition : 3.5.14 and installed as single node on my local machine.