I have a parent -child structure that I maintain in a graph database . I am trying to aggregate all of the child entities to a parent where the relationship type is of a particular category. Query below
MATCH (e),(e1),p=(e)-[r*]->(e1)
WHERE all (a in relationships(p) where type(a) in ["C1","C2","C3"])
UNWIND relationships(p) as rel
return e1.name,collect(distinct type(rel)) as types,collect(distinct e.name) AS related_entity
This query works however I want to remove sub-chains within a chain and only display the top level aggregation. Basically I want the first row only in the below result set.
MATCH (e), (e1), p=(e)-[r*]->(e1)
WHERE all (a IN relationships(p) WHERE type(a) IN ["C1","C2","C3"])
UNWIND relationships(p) AS rel
WITH e1.name, collect(distinct type(rel)) AS types, collect(distinct e.name) AS related_entity
WHERE size(related_entity) > 1
RETURN e1.name, types, related_entity
Thanks Cobra , this worked for me . However this also filters out some results I was looking to keep like chains where there is only 1 parent and child . Comments below
Entity A
Entity 1 , Entity 2 , Entity 3 , Entity 4
Multi level aggregation
Entity 2
Entity 3
Sub-chain of above aggregation needs to be removed
Entity B
Entity 5
Unrelated single parent/child needs to be retained
Hi Cobra ,
Was working on this and found a partial solution . I can collect the entities that I want using the query below
MATCH (ent:Entity)
WHERE NOT(ent)-[]->()
and ()-[]->(ent)
RETURN collect(ent.name) as entity_list
and then plugin the entities one by one in the query below .
MATCH (e),(e1),p=(e)-[r*]->(e1)
WHERE all (a in relationships(p) where type(a) in ["C1","C2","C3"])
AND e1.name = "Value from entity list "
UNWIND relationships(p) as rel
return e1.name,collect(distinct type(rel)) as types,collect(distinct e.name) AS related_entity
If you are on the lastest version of Neo4j (>= 4.1), you can use subqueries:
MATCH (ent:Entity)
WHERE NOT(ent)-[]->()
AND ()-[]->(ent)
WITH DISTINCT ent.name AS entity
MATCH (e),(e1),p=(e)-[r*]->(e1)
WHERE all (a in relationships(p) where type(a) in ["C1","C2","C3"])
AND e1.name = entity
UNWIND relationships(p) as rel
RETURN e1.name AS name,
collect(distinct type(rel)) AS types,
collect(distinct e.name) AS related_entity
RETURN name, types, related_entity
MATCH (ent:Entity)
WHERE NOT(ent)-[]->()
AND ()-[]->(ent)
WITH DISTINCT ent.name AS entity
CALL apoc.cypher.run('
MATCH (e), (e1), p=(e)-[r*]->(e1)
WHERE all (a in relationships(p) where type(a) in ["C1","C2","C3"])
AND e1.name = entity
UNWIND relationships(p) as rel
RETURN e1.name AS name,
collect(distinct type(rel)) AS types,
collect(distinct e.name) AS related_entity
', {entity:entity}) YIELD value
RETURN value.name AS name,
value.types AS types,
value.related_entity AS related_entity