Hello everyone,
I have a use-case where I have thousands of relationships for a specific relationship type with a numerical attribute. I would like to get the top 10 nodes by sorting on this attribute. There is a B-tree index on the relationship attribute (I am using the latest version of neo4j). My cypher query uses sorting on this specific attribute but it seems that the sorting does not use an index as it goes through all the relationships with many db hits making the query very slow, is that expected? What should I do to tell the engine to use an index for sorting? Thanks a lot
My query is similar to this :
MATCH (a1: Node)-[rel:REL_TYPE]-(a2:Node) WHERE a1.name IN ['name1', 'name2'] AND NOT a2.name IN ['name3', 'name4'] WITH a1, a2 ORDER BY rel.score DESC WITH a1.name as a1_name, collect(a2.name) as a RETURN a1_name, a[0..10]
The same thing happens with the simpler query:
MATCH (a1: Node)-[rel:REL_TYPE]-(a2:Node) WHERE a1.name='name1' RETURN a2.name ORDER BY rel.score DESC LIMIT 10
There is already an index here on the node name attribute which it uses correctly. Also, doing an exact match on the relationship attribute works quite well and uses well the index. It seems that the problem happens only with sorting.
Thanks a lot for your help.
The screenshot is for this query:
PROFILE MATCH (a1:Node)-[rel:ASPECT_ADJACENT_CONNECTION]-(a2) WHERE a1.name="Test data" RETURN a2.name ORDER BY rel.pmi DESC LIMIT 10
It performs 10k db hits while i am only asking for 10 results and it doesn't seem to use the index.