We ave modelled our business classes as follows :-
We are trying to fetch Student associated with a school and vice-versa but unable to do so.
We have a School and Student node with directed outgoing relation (IS_STUDENT_OF) from school to student with a relationship property fulltime:yes
Model code for School,student and RelationshipEntity
@NodeEntity(label = "STUDENT")
public class Student {
Long id;
String name;
@Relationship(type = "IS_STUDENT_OF", direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED)
SchoolStudentRelationEntity schoolStudentRelationEntity;
@NodeEntity(label = "SCHOOL")
public class School {
Long id;
String schoolName;
@Relationship(type = "IS_STUDENT_OF", direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED)
SchoolStudentRelationEntity schoolStudentRelationEntity;
public class SchoolStudentRelationEntity {
@Property (name ="FULLTIME")
String fullTime;
School school;
Set<Student> student;