Question about Syntax: {1,5} vs *1..5

Is there any difference between (XYZ)-[:XYZ]-{1,5}(XYZ) and (XYZ)-[:XYZ*1..5]-(XYZ)?

if you run each and preface with profile for example

profile match (XYZ)-[:XYZ*1..5]-(XYZ) return *;


profile match (XYZ)-[:XYZ]-{1,5}(XYZ) return *;

they result in the same query plan. For example

I find the 2nd form more readable.

But why? Are you getting error? different results? different performance?
If so? for what version of Neo4j?

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The first one is using qualified path syntax while the later one is using variable length path syntax. I think in this case they are functionally equivalent, as @dana_canzano demonstrated. I am new to qualified path syntax and am working on upping my game in this area. Where I believe it has the advantage is when you add where conditions within the qualified part, as these get evaluated during the path’s expansion; therefore, expansion can terminate immediately if the condition is false. This is in contrast to when you use variable length patterns and you place a where clause following the match to test some characteristic of the path. In this cause all paths have to be determined then filtered out afterwards. I imagine this would have great performance benefit when the potential paths are complex and many.

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Hi Dana,

no, I'm getting the same result...and that's why I am confused! I try to find the reason why at one time its written like this and at other times like that...

(a)<-[s]-(b) (c)-[t]->(d) //this is not allowed

A simple path pattern with more than one element:
(a:A)<-[{p: 30}]-(b)-[t WHERE t.q > 0]->(c:C)

A quantified path pattern can have a lower bound of zero in its quantifier as long as it abuts other patterns that have at least one element:
(:A) ((:X)-[:R]-()){0,10} (:B)

A quantified relationship can also have a lower bound of zero as long as the overall path pattern has at least one element:

A concatenation of simple and quantified path patterns:
(a)<-[s]-(b)-[t]->(c) ((n)-[r]->(m)){0,10} (:X)

I'm studying to take the exam.
The examples in the video courses were easy! But then: In the manual - stuff like this! Yes, it's interesting and useful - but "too much"

Hi Gary,

thank you! Yes, now I understand the reasoning why

(a)<-[s]-(b) (c)-[t]->(d) //this is not allowed

A concatenation of simple and quantified path patterns:
(a)<-[s]-(b)-[t]->(c) ((n)-[r]->(m)){0,10} (:X)
[my comment: valid]

from Syntax and semantics - Cypher Manual are different - it's not a combination of simple and quantified...but I'm worried that I might miss sth. like this in the exam.

And then there's nesting: MATCH ((n:A)-[:R]->({p: 30}) WHERE EXISTS { (n)-->+(:X) }){2,3}
The "+" isn't explained - at least not here. I'm still unsure wheter it has to do with Cypher expressions - Cypher Manual or with quantified patterns...

I'll ask more questions in the forum in the future ... I beg forgiveness...

The symbol ->+ means a directed relationship with 1 or more hops. Its shorthand for -[*]->. I believe there is also an asterisk version, ->*, which is shorthand for -[*0..]->

Maybe this will help.

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One other thing to note (if I'm not mistaken) is that the {1,5} syntax is the GQL standard way to do this, and so from a compatibility-with-the-standard approach, it's probably the preferred way.

Much like Oracle (as an example) has their own syntax for outer joins (with the (+) syntax) and also supports the ANSI standard syntax .