Query returns duplicates

I have created the following query:

MATCH (n:Name)<-[r:HAS_NAME_VARIANT]-(p)-[r2:WORKS_AS]->(a)-[r4:ACTIVITY_TYPE]->(o:ProfessionsOntology),
      (a)-[r3:ACTIVITY_FOUND_IN]->(s2)-[pr:PRODUCED_BY {role: "writer"}]->(p3)-[r8:HAS_NAME_VARIANT]->(n8)
WHERE n.NameID = $neodash_name_nameid
WITH r3, n8, o, s2, (s2.title + CASE WHEN size(r3.page) < 2 THEN "" ELSE ", p." + r3.page END + CASE WHEN size(r3.location) < 2 THEN "" ELSE ", " + r3.location END)  AS sss, n8.Name AS Author, s2.language AS Language, s2.type AS Type, r3.qualification AS `Qualification`
RETURN o.Text AS Activity, sss AS `Source (title, page, location)`, Author, Type, Language, Qualification

which reads as follows:
MATCH (n:Name)<-[r:HAS_NAME_VARIANT]-(p)- ===> find a person
[r2:WORKS_AS]->(a)-[r4:ACTIVITY_TYPE] ===> who works as a "professionID"
[r4:ACTIVITY_TYPE]->(o:ProfessionsOntology), ===> this "professionID corresponds to "printer"
(a)-[r3:ACTIVITY_FOUND_IN]->(s2) "===> the information above was found in "book 1"
-[pr:PRODUCED_BY {role: "writer"}]->(p3)-[r8:HAS_NAME_VARIANT]->(n8) ===> written by "writer x"

Since one person can have many professions ( printer, publisher, seller) and this information can be found in multiple sources (book 1, book 2, etc.), the table should contain a list of all the professions of this person with their sources, in the following format:

Activity______________Source______________ Author
printer........................book 1......................writer x
printer........................book 2......................writer y
publisher...................book 1......................writer x

Instead, it lists all activities x sourcers x authors:

I've tried a host of options with split MATCHes, DISTINCT, COLLECT, etc. bu to no avail...
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

Hello guido!

So, these do not look like duplicates to me. For example, "boekdrukkers" lists Frans three times, but with three different activities. "Dictionnarire" lists Anne five times, but with five different activities.

I'm sure you've seen this yourself, so please give us a little more detail about what you want to happen instead, and someone here can probably help. :slight_smile:

Best wishes,

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Hi @vincent.rupp ,
thanks for looking into this.
They were duplicates, but when setting up a reproduction query in Sandbox, I found that an import glitch had messed the data up. I did find one error in the code, though.
So, indirectly, your reply helped solve the issue. Thanks!

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