Problem with the API library when running pytest

The problem I’m stuck on is on this challenge,

It seems the API library might not be in scope of the import call?

When I try to run the test, per the instructions, ‘python -m pytest -s tests/’
I get the error (see API_Error_) screenshot attached. It says

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named api.neo4j.

So, whoever made this test made a library with a bunch of compiled (pyc) python scripts. So I don't know what's wrong with it.

I confirmed, by commenting them out, that the problem is with the imports from api in both the and the files

I’m wondering if I put my ‘neoflix/scripts’ directory too deep (it’s at the same level as the ‘app-python’ folder), and I need to put the app-python in it?

Might be. I was able to run the test just fine with my neoflix folder within the app-python folder - at the same level as the api folder.


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