Possible to use read json files from a folder and run same cypher import json script on all files?

I have multiple json files in a folder. Possible to read whole folder and import all or do I have to specify file by file?`


Looks like you can do this using APOC procedure to give a list of files in a folder or all sub folders. The documentation has an example of what you want to do.


For who need some help on this:

Here is an example code that worked for me using apoc.load.directory and after apoc.load.json to read data every all json files.

CALL apoc.load.directory("*.json", "json")
YIELD value as files
UNWIND files as file
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('
    CALL apoc.load.json($file)
    YIELD value as line
', '
   //UNWIND $listOfMaps AS properties
    //CREATE (n: Product2) SET n = properties
    CREATE (pc:Product2{catalogPathID: line.catalogPathID}) //Process line here
', {batchSize:10000, parallel:true, params: {file: file}})
YIELD batches, total, updateStatistics
RETURN batches, total, updateStatistics