Order mgt system for Apparel and Footwear industry Neo4j desktop version 1.5.2

A global Style-master is ready for use including 150 Models (product dimensions), 450 Products (colors NRF, Pantone RGB, Hexa) and 8,000 Items (sizes US, EU UK, JP) . Nodes are related and all data are from adidas . Now I go down to order level and would like to know:

Is there a way to automatically real time deduct inventories via cypher mathematical functions, between 2 nodes?


Node 1 = Items, property Item 1, property : Inventory: value 100 before transaction

Node 2 = Orders, property: Customer 1, Item:1, Order qtty: 10 >>>

Node 1 = items, property Item 1, property : Inventory: value 90 after transaction

If possible a cypher example would be very welcomed

Thx for helping

Try this:

//use appropriate where conditions
with b.orderQty as ordQty

match (a:Items)
//use appropriate where conditions
set a.Inventory = a.Inventory - ordQty

thanks for your help. A soon I have the Inventory - and Order-data downloaded I'll let you know

Thx again