Optimizing Neo4j Query for Path search

  • Neo4j version: 3.5.16

  • What kind of API / driver do you use: Python API with py2neo to run the query with graph.run()

  • Py2neo version: 4.3.0.


Hey all,

I'm trying to optimize a cypher query to retrieve a variable length path.

The graph is created each time data arrives and startNode and endNode are fixed on their name property. Once created the graph, I have a startNode and an endNode and the corolllary/objective is:

"From all the possible paths with a minimum length of X and a maximum length of Y, I want to find the shortest path that yields the highest aggregated relationship value".

What I actually have managed to do is: "get the path of length between X and Y that yields the highest aggregated relationship value" with the following cyper query:

MATCH path = (startN:Batch { name: $startNode })-[:CHANGES_TO*4..7]->(endN:Batch { name: $endNode })
RETURN path,
REDUCE (s = 1, r IN RELATIONSHIPS(path) | s * r.rateValue) AS finalBatchValue
ORDER BY finalBatchValue DESC 

Howerver, it takes some time to run. ¿Could someone provide ideas on how to optimize this, both to accomplish the objetive of the shortestPath and to optimize the query for running faster if possible?

I tried to make it work with APOC methods like allShortestPaths or Dijkstra with no success; it ended up returning the shortest path and I wasn't able to fix the minimum amount of nodes to consider.

Any help is much appreciated.