I've got a variable length path search which I'm trying to optimise. It currently takes a reasonably long time to run, as it does a lot of db hits:
neo4j-sh (?)$ profile match (f:Feature)<-[:RELATED_FEATURE]-(:Layer0)<-[*0..3]-(s:SalesOrder) return count(s);
| count(s) |
| 27860 |
1 row
9891 ms
Compiler CYPHER 2.3
Planner COST
| Operator | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Identifiers | Other |
| +ProduceResults | 98 | 1 | 0 | count(s) | count(s) |
| | +----------------+--------+---------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| +EagerAggregation | 98 | 1 | 0 | count(s) | |
| | +----------------+--------+---------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| +Filter | 9524 | 27860 | 27860 | anon[18], anon[39], anon[48], f, s | Ands(none(anon[48] in anon[48] where anon[18] == anon[48]), f:Feature) |
| | +----------------+--------+---------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| +Expand(All) | 12698 | 27860 | 55720 | anon[18], anon[39], anon[48], f, s | ()-[:RELATED_FEATURE]->(f) |
| | +----------------+--------+---------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| +Filter | 12698 | 27860 | 231934 | anon[39], anon[48], s | anon[39]:Layer0 |
| | +----------------+--------+---------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| +VarLengthExpand(All) | 12698 | 231934 | 305868 | anon[39], anon[48], s | (s)<-[:*]-() |
| | +----------------+--------+---------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| +NodeByLabelScan | 6349 | 6349 | 6350 | s | :SalesOrder |
Total database accesses: 627732
I can get a bit of info on the paths that match:
neo4j-sh (?)$ profile match (f:Feature)<-[:RELATED_FEATURE]-(:Layer0)<-[r*0..3]-(s:SalesOrder) return count(s), extract(x in r | type(x));
| count(s) | extract(x in r | type(x)) |
| 3028 | ["RELATED_PROPERTY","billingAddress","HAS_ACCOUNT"] |
| 6349 | ["WITH_POSTCODE","billingAddress","HAS_ACCOUNT"] |
6 rows
10580 ms
There are many other candidate paths here that don't match, and I'd like to cull those.
It occurs to me that I could restrict the type of the relationship r
, but as it's a path variable I'm not sure what the most optimal way of doing this might be.