Hmm, OK, I got the logging working. I found the note in the docs which just says it uses logback, and then links to logback - possibly this is a bit brief, but then I found another post on the blog with an example logback file (might be worth putting an example in the docs), so got it working in the end - it was a bit trickier from me as this is embedded in a Dropwizard project, so the configuration was a bit different in my case.
Anyway. Looking at the logs, there is a command issued:
UNWIND {rows} as row MERGE (n:Element
SET n=row.props RETURN row.nodeRef as ref, ID(n) as id, {type} as type with params
{type=node, rows=[{nodeRef=-34, props={label=d, id=d8301edf-3d3c-4269-bb70-8f17947f824a}},
{nodeRef=-66, props={label=aa, id=dd53e725-abe0-4b00-917b-4fc478762631}},
{nodeRef=-36, props={label=e, id=b2a15783-7152-41da-93b5-e4b2ff286693}},
{nodeRef=-38, props={label=f, id=f56c7ddc-6caa-45b1-9329-540618b99087}},
{nodeRef=-102, props={label=iv, id=9eb86c36-3d45-4266-9f65-ccb94b0e911e}},
{nodeRef=-104, props={label=A, id=e568aa5f-7a10-4bdb-b0d0-182bf6cfb9c0}},
{nodeRef=-42, props={label=a, id=73c80757-4fea-42e1-bc8e-5097733721bb}},
{nodeRef=-74, props={label=ia, id=e0525c0f-e399-4c4d-ac10-97b5ed6dbf8f}},
{nodeRef=-106, props={label=B, id=c2dbbae9-8e00-42fc-b2ef-bb8c1a5ff2e0}},
{nodeRef=-44, props={label=b, id=716e6c2a-55d5-4fdd-8a68-54d2b674c880}},
{nodeRef=-46, props={label=c, id=94b35511-020f-49f9-b03e-c15708e8de9a}},
{nodeRef=-48, props={label=d, id=0bbcaa1e-a867-4b45-a399-2741b6bfdf64}},
{nodeRef=-50, props={label=e, id=29262d29-8308-4902-960b-445bab39646e}},
{nodeRef=-52, props={label=f, id=de351745-9b7d-4fd9-9db9-59b4a20a1f5c}},
{nodeRef=-22, props={label=a, id=9e6aaec4-f0a7-49f1-80e7-a669f977ed4b}},
{nodeRef=-54, props={label=g, id=05919bb0-f9e0-44c7-b88e-b03aa6e686e2}},
{nodeRef=-24, props={label=b, id=73f307b2-33ad-41c0-af81-79ceeee526fa}},
{nodeRef=-56, props={label=h, id=8f1c8ba7-4ad6-4b7e-b2f6-e7c5db0783c9}},
{nodeRef=-28, props={label=a, id=09e2975f-d26d-4042-b5e7-8a25c279aa07}},
{nodeRef=-30, props={label=b, id=d6bf4cb4-80c4-44f3-92b2-7a0b00ce3cac}},
{nodeRef=-32, props={label=c, id=f13ba92e-08b0-4360-9125-d78b1c51fd6c}}]}
Which seems to basically take almost all the time for the save. As part of loading the document, my current setup is to issue a cypher command to remove all of the nodes under the document node, and then load all of the newly collected nodes to connect to the existing document (basically its a replace of the structure under a document). Is this what could be causing this request? Is there a better way to deal with loading the nodes?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.