Occur error when used to streams plugin in standalone mode

Neo4j Version : neo4j-enterprise 4.2.1
neo4j-streams plugin version : 4.0.6
Server : AWS t3.medium x1 / ami-066e8505716e573cf (neo4j-enterprise-1-4.2.1-apoc 2020-11-30T04_03_27Z)

  • I didn't use cloudformation.
    Neo4j databases : system, neo4j, test

Environment of neo4j server is above.

I copy jar file of neo4j-streams plugin and configure neo4j.template (neo4j.conf) file.
After, restart neo4j server, Infinitly print error log to query.log file.

2020-12-23 07:58:05.814+0000 ERROR id:738639 - 0 ms: 0 B - embedded-session		test -  - CALL dbms.cluster.role($database) - {database: 'test'} - runtime=null - {} - There is no procedure with the name `dbms.cluster.role` registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.
  1. Why occur error when used to streams plugin in standalone mode with multiple database?
  2. How to fix it?