Not able to create multiple constraints through code.
- Neo4j version: Community 4.0.3
- Neo4j Mode: Single instance
- Driver version: Javascript : "4.0.0",
- Operating system: Mac OS
Steps to reproduce
I am creating some constraint statements for my neo4j DB through code, and I loop through all of them and create the respective cypher statements:
//loop through constraints
const statement = `CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (${name}:${type}) ASSERT ${name}.${parameter} IS UNIQUE`
runConstraint(driver, statement)
function runConstraint(driver, constraintStatement) {
var session = driver.session()
return session
.then((result) => {
console.log('result : ', result)
.catch((error) => {
console.log('error : ', error)
Expected behavior
The code should create all the constraints one by one, since I'm using a new session object for each call. Shouldn't each Session.close commit the transaction?
Actual behavior
After the first constraint is created, I get:
error : Neo4jError: Database constraints have changed (txId=26) after this transaction (txId=1) started, which is not yet supported. Please retry your transaction to ensure all constraints are executed.