Hi All,
I am trying to create a node in neo4j browser and however I am not able to create nodes,
Below is the query I executed,
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///email_logs.csv" AS row
MERGE (p1:Username {mail_id: row.sender})
MERGE (p2:Username {mail_id: row.recipient})
MERGE (p3:Topic {topic: row.keywords})
MERGE (p4:Subject {subject: row.message})
WITH p1, p2, p3, p4, row, COUNT(*) AS count
MERGE (p1)-[rel:sent]->(p2) ON CREATE SET rel.timestamp = row.date_time
MERGE (p1)-[int:interest]->(p3)<-[:interest]-(p2) ON CREATE SET int.Topic = row.keywords
MERGE (p1)-[sub:subject]->(p4)<-[:subject]-(p2) ON CREATE SET sub.subject = row.message
SET rel.count = count
After executing the query, In neo4j browser "Subject" node is not created and there is no error and below is the response I got,
Please correct me If I am doing anything wrong in the cypher query.
Ganeshbabu R