Node Similarity algorithm problem


I am trying to use Node Similarity algorithm on a projection of my database. I want it to provide data based on a source node and according to the nominated weight. But the source node and weight cannot work together. Could anyone offer help? Many thanks!

my projection: (the projection works)

 CALL gds.graph.project.cypher( 
'MATCH (n) WHERE n:AscdcProvidedCHO OR n:Resource  
AND NOT n.uri =""  
RETURN id(n) AS id', 
'MATCH (n:AscdcProvidedCHO)-[r:subject | keywords]->(m:Resource)  
RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target, r.weight AS weight', 
{validateRelationships: false}) 

The algorithm operation:

MATCH (a{uri:"OB1"}) 
WITH id(a) AS viewedNode 
{relationshipWeightProperty: 'weight',  
sourceNodeFilter: viewedNode, topK:100}) 
YIELD node2, similarity 
RETURN gds.util.asNode(node2).uri AS recommendations, similarity 
ORDER BY similarity DESC 

The outcome shows "no changes, no records."
I tried to use only <relationshipWeightProperty: 'weight', topK:100> and <sourceNodeFilter: viewedNode, topK:100>, both of the two work. But when weight property and source node filter show together, it does not work.

To be honest, these are codes I wrote last year and at that time they worked well. I am using Neo4j 4.4.8, GDSL 2.1.6 and Neosemantics

Thanks a lot in advance!

I think it may be due to your source node filter 'viewNode' is not in your projection. Your 'a' node in your algorithm query has a label of 'uri', but your projection is restricted to nodes with labels AscdcProvidedCH0 and Resource. Plus, it can't be part of the projected relationships either, as your relationships are between nodes with those same two labels.