Hi there,
I am trying to associate two nodes of the same kind/label. Companies are represented by nodes and the relationship is the association one company has to another i.e. Shareholder, Parent etc. I have simiplified my dataset down in order to get the correct cypher query before trying to create thousands of relationships.
I have successfully created two nodes through a csv load. 'CompanyABC' and 'CompanyXYZ' with their associated unique IDs. I also created an index on LegalEntityID.
The csv looks like the following;
(see below screenshot - there are no whitespaces at all)
The cypher query I used to create the nodes is:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///test.csv" AS csvLine
CREATE (e:Entity {Id: toInteger(csvLine.LegalEntityID), LegalEntityName: csvLine.LegalEntityName})
I then tried to associate these two nodes using the below;
Match (a:LegalEntityID),(b:LegalEntityID) where a.LegalEntityID = '225176' and b.LegalEntityID = '12470' create (b)-[r:HAS_ASSOCIATION]->(a)
I received the response: (no changes, no records)
I then tried the below;
MATCH (a:LegalEntityID{LegalEntityID:toInteger(225176)}),(b:LegalEntityID{LegalEntityID:toInteger(12470)})
CREATE (b)-[r:hasAssociation]->(a)
RETURN b,r,a
and I still got the response (no changes, no records) - see below screenshot
Please could you let me know where I am going wrong – I have tried everything!
Thanks and regards